According to WHO, Homeopathy holds the second rank amongst the system of medicine across the globe. Homeopathy grew at a much larger & wider scale and has now become quite popular among the common masses.
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Heinemann in Germany, which is based on his doctrine of “Like Cures Like”. Homeopathy is a Science and a Healing Art which has been used successfully for over 200 years. Its widespread use these days can be attributed to it being gentler, safer, more effective, non-toxic and cheaper. Unlike modern, conventional medicines which work chemically, homeopathy remedies on an energetic level to trigger your body’s own healing response.
Homeopathy follows Holistic approach – As opposed to modern medicine, homeopathy is more concerned with understanding you as an individual, rather than simply attempting to diagnose a disease. The treatment is based on who you are, what are your thoughts, feelings, emotions, which is often thought of as the root of your health problems.
The concept of disease in Homeopathy is that it is a disturbance at your innermost level and accordingly you would be given medicines. It doesn’t follow the proverbial one-to-one mapping of medicine-to-disease but rather dictates its own unorthodox methodology. For e.g. If a person suffers from migraine and acidity, which is most common, rather than prescribing different medicines for migraine and acidity as in modern medicines, in Homeopathy it will be considered as a single disease (relating to some inner imbalance).
In Homeopathy all the elements are considered in the selection of one single remedy out of 3000+ medicines and given in the right dose and potency.
Homeopathy is the best example of Nanotechnology. The medicines are prepared from many plants, animals, minerals and synthetic substances – but they are so diluted that no molecules of original substance are likely to remain and therefore they have “No side-effects”. That’s why they are referred to as energetic medicines.
But it has in fact proved that as the medicines become more diluted, it becomes stronger and acts more deeply. So with Homeopathy “Less is More”.
Also Homeopathic test results have always been proved on Healthy Human Beings rather than animals.
There is a big difference between Real healing, Palliation of symptoms and Suppression of disease, even though each of these results may initially seem to be the same.
People are generally not familiar with the possibility that many conventional and modern medical treatments just suppresses their physical symptoms, while driving the disease deeper into the person. It isn’t curing and yet suppression of disease is so common in today’s medical treatment that it is virtually ignored.
Whereas Homeopathy believes that a symptom is an “expression of inner disharmony” rather than a problematic thing in itself and therefore disappearance of a symptom may or may not be an indication of cure.
So Homeopathy’s goal of treatment is healing of entire person at the deepest possible level.
These are some common treatments that lead to suppression are –
Other common suppressions are surgeries (Tonsillectomy, Nasal Polyp, Removal of Benign Skin Lesions etc.), anti fever medication & high doses of certain supplements.