Despite practicing Homeopathy since the last 25 years I always felt something amiss in my results. When I accidentally came across Ozone therapy, I felt satisfied with the results I was achieving and in addition to it, there was no compromise on my principles i.e. no pain killers, no anti-biotics, no steroids. In my opinion, patients ought to be treated without those three elements.
Even in Homeopathy our master Samuel Hahnemann has mentioned the auxiliary mode of treatment in his last aphorisms before he passed away and I found Ozone, Mistletoe and IV Nutritional therapy as the auxiliary mode of treatment to boost results achieved from simply applying Homeopathy.
Now I have been practicing Ozone therapy since the last 5-6 years and the sheer brilliance of the results for combining traditional Homeopathy with Integrated approach has left me astounded.
I received training for Prol-ozone under Dr. Frank Shallenberger from USA and also for Hyperbaric Ozone from Dr. Johann Lahodny from Austria. I have presented some of my most remarkable cases in the annual conferences of Ozone Forum of India held at Bombay hospital and Kokilaben hospital to share with practitioners all over India the infinite benefits of integrated approach. I am especially interested in treating patients with Cancer, diabetic foot ulcers, auto-immune disorders like psoriasis and arthritis, etc. It has become a personal motto to make more people aware of this and to help the patients get the right cure with minimal suffering on their behalf. This would indeed be a great help to the society.